Megaera Jones

Megaera Jones

Megaera Jones began her higher education studies through correspondence at UNISA, from which she holds a BA in Psychology and Criminology. In 2015, completed her BA Honour’s in Psychology at Rhodes University.

In 2017, Megaera began her MA in Psychology under the supervision of Dr Malvern Chiweshe and Dist. Prof Catriona Macleod at the CSSR. The MA thesis, entitled: The digital rhetoric of rape culture: ‘Official’ and ‘unofficial’ arguments at Rhodes University, drew on contemporary rhetorical theories, informed by a feminist poststructuralist perspective, to explore how publics at Rhodes University were using online mediums to discuss how rape culture should (and should not be) addressed on campus, following the 2016 #RUReferenceList protest at the University. In 2019, she presented a paper based on this at the PSYSSA conference. A forthcoming paper based on this MA is accepted for publication in 2025 by the South African Journal of Higher Education.

Currently, Megaera is a PhD student at the CSSR under the supervision of Prof Macleod. Her thesis is examining online stories of abortion, where coercion to abort was experienced during the pregnancy, it uses contemporary critical rhetorical theories to explore these personal narratives.

During her time at the CSSR, Megaera has gained experience: organising an international conference and other local research events, working as a research assistant, supervising, and teaching workshops/lectures. A project which she was part of has a paper published with Culture, Health & Sexuality entitled: Regimes of truth regarding ‘sexual justice’ in academic literature from 2012 to 2022: a scoping review (Pinto, Macleod, & Jones, 2024). Additionally, she has been an editorial assistant for the SAGE academic journal: Feminism & Psychology since 2020.



Last Modified: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:08:08 SAST