Our Vision
The vision of the department is to promote the advancement of integrative geographical knowledge and capacity for the Earth and its people.
Our Mission
Teaching & Learning: The Department aims to encourage students to be self-motivated, critical thinkers and to provide them with opportunities to acquire specialist skills within a broad geographical training. Our graduates should be well equipped to contribute to regional and national development by thinking creatively and appreciating diversity.
Research of the highest quality: The Department supports staff and students who wish to engage in both fundamental and applied research of an international calibre that is relevant globally and to the needs of the African continent. Further, the Department fosters national, regional and international collaboration through partnerships with academic institutions elsewhere in the world.
Community engagement and application of geographical skills to real-world problems: The Department strives to maintain contacts with all tiers of government and community organizations, to assist and advise them through applied research.
Our curriculum and research conform to this mission:
Assessment criteria have been developed to reward originality at all levels.