Rhodes>Cory Library>Collections>Internal>Sir George Cory Slides

Sir George Cory Slides

The George Cory slide collection is part of Sir George Cory’s large and varied research collection that he donated to Rhodes University Library.

Sir George Cory (one of the four founding fathers of Rhodes University) had these slides made to accompany his public lectures, on Eastern Cape history and the 1820 Settlers. There are 270 lantern glass slides altogether and some of the places included are Grahamstown, Graaff Reinet, Port Elizabeth, Bathurst and Port Alfred as well as many of the frontier forts. The slides illustrate life in the early days of the Eastern Cape.

Part of this slide collection has now been digitized and can be viewed on the Cory Library’s OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) by doing a series title search on “George Cory slide collection” or directly from the catalogue

Plans are underway to have the whole slide collection digitized.

Last Modified: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 15:56:54 SAST