Henry Masila Ndawo compiled a selection of amaHlubi clan izibongo in Iziduko zama-Hlubi
[Alice] : Lovedale Press, 1939.
'For H.M. Ndawo, who edited the only collection of Xhosa clan praises yet published, "Ngamagama
abantu iziduko ezi, naweendawo," These clan praises are the names of people, and of places (1) and, in the preface, "Umntu isiduko sakhe usihombisa ngokuthetha izibongo zaso," A person embellishes his or her clan name (isiduko) by reciting its praise poem (izibongo). In other words, Xhosa izibongo of individuals or clans consist of a series of names of the subject or of the clan ancestors, each usually extended into a phrase, a line, or a succession'.
Structural Patterns in the Performance of a Xhosa Izibongo", by Jeff Opland. Comparative Literature, Vol. 48, No. 2 (Spring, 1996), p.97) Link to this article.
Iziduko zama-hlubi (1.7MB)
Last Modified: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 14:59:40 SAST