Professor Graham Glover
BA, LLB, PhD (Rhodes)
Graham Glover teaches courses in Contract, Sale & Lease, Agency, Insurance and Credit Agreements, and he also teaches part of Legal Skills. He received his PhD degree in 2004 for a thesis entitled The Doctrine of Duress in the Law of Contract and Unjustified Enrichment in South Africa. Prof Glover’s research interests are mainly in the field of contract law: he has published almost 30 journal articles and book chapters in this area of law. He is the co-author of the LAWSA sections on “Sale” and “Lease”. In late 2014 he published the fourth edition of Kerr’s The Law of Sale and Lease and, and he is now contracted to produce the next edition of Kerr’s The Law of Agency. In 2006 he compiled and edited the book, Essays in Honour of AJ Kerr, a festschrift honouring Professor Kerr’s outstanding contribution to legal academia in South Africa. He was until 2019 the author of the chapter on Divorce to the Family Law Service. He is the Managing Editor of the South African Law Journal.
Publications (2008-date)
Graham Glover Kerr’s Law of Sale and Lease (LexisNexis Publishers, 2014).
(Cited in Biggs and Others v Mosstrich (Pty) Ltd and Another [2015] ZAECGHC 4; Louistef (Pty) Ltd v Snyders and Others [2016] ZASCA 182; 2017 (5) SA 276 (SCA); AJP Properties CC v Sello [2017] ZAGPJHC 255; 2018 (1) SA 535 (GJ) Kondile v Nothnagel NO [2018] ZAGPPHC 858; Friedshelf 1612 (Pty) Ltd v McConnell [2018] ZAECGHC 119; Starways Trading 21 CC and Others v Pearl Island Trading 714 (Pty) Ltd and Another 2019 (2) SA 650 (SCA); Visagie & Associates CC & another v Small Enterprise Finance Agency Ltd [2019] ZASCA 32.)
Patrick Osode and Graham Glover (eds) Law and Transformative Justice in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Spekboom Publishers, 2010).
Chapters in books
“Renewal options, public policy, and consensus: The Beadica and Oregon Trust cases” in Monray Botha, Jacolien Barnard & Jani van Wyk (eds) De Serie Legenda vol 2 (LexisNexis Publishers, 2019) 65-90.
2nd edition of “Law of Lease: Preliminary Note” in Butterworths Forms and Precedents Series. February 2012 (54 page chapter) and revised edition, 2016.
“Improperly obtained consensus in contract law and the value of institutional doctrine” in Coenraad Visser and Jopie Pretorius (eds) Essays in Honour of Frans Malan (LexisNexis Publishers, 2014) pages 133-146.
“Divorce” in the Butterworths Family Law Service (approx. 35 page chapter). See Issue 51 – April 2009; Issue 57 – April 2012; Issue 58 – October 2012.
2nd edition of “Sale” in Vol 24 of The Law of South Africa series, with AJ Kerr. November 2010 (106 page chapter). (Cited by the Supreme Court of Appeal in ABSA Bank v Eksteen [2011] ZASCA 40.)
“Tyrannical masters no more? Promissory insurance warranties after Viking Inshore Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co Ltd” (2019) vol 30 Stellenbosch Law Review 333-360.
“Remedies, repentance and the doctrine of election in South African contract law" 2019 Acta Juridica 59-97.
“Contractual exemptions and remedies in respect of the warranty against eviction in sale” in 2017 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law Special Edition Liber Amicorum JC Sonnekus 276-291.
“University protests, specific performance and the public/private-law divide” (2017) 134 SALJ 466-480. (Cited in Four Wheel Drive Accessory Distribution CC v Rattan NO 2018 (3) SA 204 (KZD).)
“An unprecedented ‘precedent’? Phodiclinics v Pinehaven” (2013) 76 THRHR 302-312.
“Section 40 of the Consumer Protection Act in comparative perspective” 2013 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law 689-697.
“The matter of Juta & Co and the South African Law Journal” (2012) 129 SALJ 1-4.
“The end of the road for the Roman rule of risk in sale?” 2012 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law 650-669.
“In service to the law” (2011) 128 SALJ 51-62.
“Reflections on the sine causa requirement and the condictiones in South African law” (2009) 20 Stellenbosch Law Review 468-493.
“Jantjie v Minister of Labour” 2008 De Jure 648 (with ML Beard).
Last Modified: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 13:50:59 SAST