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Professor Laurence Juma

BA (Hons), LLB (Potch), PGCHE (Rhodes), PhD (Rhodes)

E-mail: l.juma@ru.ac.za


Professor Juma is the Acting Dean of the Faculty, starting 1 August 2020. He teaches Public International Law, Property Law and International human rights/humanitarian law. He is the co-ordinator of postgraduate studies and external moot programmes of the faculty, and Hall Warden for the Jan Smuts Hall. He is a member of Network of University Teachers of International Humanitarian Law in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region and serves on the editorial board of the African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law. He has also served as an expert panellist for the United Nations Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating and Impeding the Exercise of Rights of Peoples to Self-Determination. Prof Juma is currently working on a joint project of Rhodes and Utrecht Universities on international criminal justice, especially the role of ICC in Africa. He has published widely in the fields of human rights, conflict studies, as well as general public international law.

Prof Juma received his bachelor of law (LLB) degree from the University of Nairobi, masters of law (LLM) from the University of Pennsylvania (USA), masters of arts (MA) in peace studies from the University of Notre Dame (USA) and doctor of laws (LLD) from the University of Fort Hare (RSA). 

Recent Publications:

”Protection of the rights of urban refugees in Kenya: Revisiting Kituo Cha Sheria & Others v Attorney-General” (2018) 33(2) SA Public Law Journal 1-24

”The principle of complementarity and hybrid courts: the case of the Special Criminal Court for the Central African Republic”  (2018) 26(1) Lesotho Law Journal 41-78 (co-authored with L Chigowe).

”Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya under the Prevention, Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and Affected Communities Act of 2012: An Appraisal” (2018) 51(1) CILSA 44-65.

”A dynamic approach to assess the International Criminal Court’s performance in the Kenyan cases” (2017) 25(2) Lesotho Law Journal 39-73 (Co-authored with C Khamala).

“Going against the tide: Seeking regulations for private military/security companies in a globalised world” (2011) 32 (1) Obiter 63-82

“The Laws of Lerotholi: Role and Status of Codified rules of custom in the Kingdom of Lesotho” in (2011) 23 (1) Pace International Law Review 92-145

“Privatisation, Human Rights and Security: Reflections on the Draft International Convention on Regulation, Oversight and Monitoring of Private Military and Security Companies” in (2011) 15 of Law Democracy & Development (Online Journal, available at http://www.ldd.org.za).

“Putting old wine in new wineskins: The customary Code of Lerotholi and justice administration in Lesotho” in J. Fenrich, P. Galizzi & T. Higgins eds., The Future of African Customary Law (Cambridge University Press, 2011) 129-152


Last Modified: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:17:48 SAST