Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP)

The Makana Municipality LEAP (Local Environmental Action Plan) involves a large number of stakeholders, including a number of Rhodes University departments and institutions. The LEAP process - also known as the 'LEAP Consultative Consortium' - was initiated in 2004. Its vision: "to deliver quality products in partnership with interested stakeholders, that are accepted by the community, implementable and environmentally sustainable, towards improving the quality of life of all the people of Makana, as a catalyst for similar initiatives in southern Africa."

The Makana LEAP Advisory Committee, coordinated by Makana Municipality's Environmental Manager, meets about four times a year. The LEAP is endorsed by the Makana Environmental Forum.

More info:

Below, you can find all the deliverables (documents 1-7) of the first phase of the Makana LEAP. Click on the links to view the documentation. [page under construction, please visit again!]

Executive Summary: prepared for and on behalf of the Makana Municipality in 2005, this provides an overview of the LEAP process and findings -  LEAP Executive Summarya Comprehensive Audit Report Executive Summary.pdf

Document 1: Preliminary Environmental Audit: Key Issues - LEAP Key issues prelim audit

Document 2. Comprehensive Environmental Audit - 11 parts:

  1. Comprehensive Audit Report Executive Summary - LEAP Comprehensive Audit Exec Summary
  2. Vegetation of Makana - LEAP vegetation of Makana
  3. List of endangered, rare and threatened plants - LEAP endangered rare plants
  4. List of all indigenous plant species - LEAP indigenous plants
  5. List of invasive alien plant (IAPs) species - LEAP alien plants
  6. Waste Management, Sanitation, Water Services and Industrial Environmental Management - LEAP Waste Management Sanitation Water
  7. Water Resources and Wetlands - LEAP Water Resources Wetlands
  8. Vegetation, Endangered Species and Wildlife Management - LEAP Endangered Species Management
  9. Domestic Energy, Solar Power and Waste Management - LEAP Energy Solar Power Waste
  10. Urban Green Spaces, Recreational Facilities and Botanical Gardens - LEAP Urban Green Spaces
  11. Environmental Water Quality in Makana Municipality - LEAP Water Quality

Document 3: Sustainable Development Framework - LEAP Sustainable Development Framework

Document 4: Environmental Management System - LEAP Environmental Management System

Document 5: Monitoring Framework - LEAP Monitoring Framework

Document 6: Environmental Education and Training Strategy - LEAP EE and Training Strategy

Document 7. Implementation Plans - 9 parts:

  1. Livestock: Grahamstown - LEAP Imp Livestock
  2. BioCarbon Project: World Bank - LEAP Imp BioCarbon
  3. Biodiversity conservation - LEAP Imp Biodiversity Conservation
  4. Greening - LEAP Imp Greening
  5. Waste Management - LEAP Imp Waste Management
  6. Urban Services Group Business Plan - LEAP Imp USG Business Plan
  7. Recycling Business Plan - LEAP Imp Recycling Business Plan
  8. Water Quality and Quantity - LEAP Imp Water Quality and Quantity
  9. Sanitation - LEAP Imp Sanitation

Make contact with the Environmental Manager, Makana Municipality, Mr Ndumiso Nongwe: NdumisoNongwe(at)makana.gov.za, T +27 46 603.6056, F +27 46 636.2871, or visit him in the Health and Cleansing offices above Makana Tourism in Church Square, Grahamstown/Rhini.

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Last Modified: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 09:05:42 SAST