Rhodes>Mathematics>People>Staff>Marcel Atemkeng

Prof Marcellin Atemkeng

Associate Professor

MSc (UDS), Ph.D. (Rhodes), PGDHE (Rhodes)

Room 10 Maths Building (Drostdy Lodge)

(046) 603 7447


  • (MAT1 S, year 1): Mathematics for Science
  • (MAM 101, year 1): Algebra and analysis
  • (MAM 101, year 1): Calculus
  • (MAM 2, year 2): Mathematical Programming with Python
  • (MAM 2, year 2): Ordinary Differential Equations
  • (MAP 311, year 3): Numerical Analysis
  • (Applied Mathematics Honours, year 4): Machine learning & deep learning


I work closely with the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO or SKA SA) based in Cape Town and  I am part of Rhodes Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques & Technologies based in the Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes University. I am a fellow of the DHET Future Professors Programme (FPP). I am leading the Rhodes AI Research Group (RAIRG) based in the Department of mathematics. My research interests are in big data, statistical signal processing, artificial intelligence.

Students (graduated and current)

List of students who have graduated and are currently under my supervision at Rhodes University

Research interests

  • Big data
  • eXplainable AI
  • Statistical signal processing
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning/Deep learning
  • Radio Interferometry/Astronomical Techniques

Selected publications [publications google scholar]

  • Atemkeng, M.,  Perkins,  S., Kenyon, J., Hugo, B. and Oleg Smirnov (2021).  Xova: Baseline-Dependent Time and Channel Averaging for Radio Interferometry, Proceedings of the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) conference
  • Atemkeng, M., Smirnov, O., Tasse, C., Foster, G., & Makhathini, S. (2020). Fast algorithms to approximate the position-dependent point spread function responses in radio interferometric wide-field imaging. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
  • Cotton, W.D., Thorat, K., Condon, J.J., Frank, B.S., Józsa, G.I.G., White, S.V., Deane, R., Oozeer, N., Atemkeng, M., Bester, L. and Fanaroff, B. (2020). Hydrodynamical backflow in X-shaped radio galaxy PKS 2014− 55. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society495(1), pp.1271-1283.
  • Mulongo, J., Atemkeng, M., Ansah-Narh, T., Rockefeller, R., Nguegnang, G. M., & Garuti, M. A. (2020). Anomaly Detection in Power Generation Plants Using Machine Learning and Neural Networks. Applied Artificial Intelligence34(1), 64-79.
  • Shimwell, T. W., et al. (2019). The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey-II. First data release. Astronomy & Astrophysics622, A1.
  • Tasse, C., Hugo, B., Mirmont, M., Smirnov, O., Atemkeng, M., Bester, L., ... & Shimwell, T. (2018). Faceting for direction-dependent spectral deconvolution. Astronomy & Astrophysics611, A87.
  • Atemkeng, M., Smirnov, O., Tasse, C., Foster, G., Keimpema, A., Paragi, Z., & Jonas, J. (2018). Baseline-dependent sampling and windowing for radio interferometry: data compression, field-of-interest shaping, and outer field suppression. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society477(4), 4511-4523.
  • Atemkeng, M. T., Smirnov, O. M., Tasse, C., Foster, G., & Jonas, J. (2016). Using baseline-dependent window functions for data compression and field-of-interest shaping in radio interferometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society462(3), 2542-2558.
  • Zarka, P., Tagger, M., Denis, L., Girard, J. N., Konovalenko, A., Atemkeng, M., ... & Boone, F. (2015, April). NenUFAR: Instrument description and science case. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), pp. 1-6.


Others (refereeing, community engagements, etc.)

  • I served as a reviewer for the NRF grants (Chairs), NRF rating, journals including Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Computers in Biology and Medicine, AI and Society, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Astronomy & Astrophysics and conferences including SAICSIT, International Conference on Learning Representations, AI for Social Good,  Black in AI,  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
  • I have served as an external examiner for several MSc and  PhD theses
  • I have been invited as a keynote speaker in several national and international conferences and workshops


Last Modified: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 12:47:20 SAST