E-Theses & Dissertations

Rhodes University Electronic Theses & Dissertations Collection

Masters and Doctoral theses and dissertations submitted for degree purposes at Rhodes, have been digitised and made accessible on the Rhodes Digital Commons

We acknowledge that not all theses and dissertations submitted for degree purposes have been submitted to the Library as per the University’s rules and regulations. Should a thesis or dissertation not be on the repository, please contact us.

Any queries in this regard can be submitted to digitalcommons@ru.ac.za

The copyright of a thesis resides with the author. A thesis may be consulted for research purposes only, and any reference to its contents must be duly acknowledged.

Information for authors

  • The electronic copy submitted must be accompanied by the Thesis Final Submission Form‌ (to be completed by candidates and supervisors)

  • After the examination process has been completed, the candidate is required to submit an electronic version (CD/DVD) of the final corrected thesis in PDF format for depositing in Rhodes University Digital Commons 

  • Candidates and supervisors who would like a digital holding period/embargo of between 1 and 2 years before deposit in the digital repository must request this in the Thesis Final Submission Form.

  • File Format

    Electronic versions are submitted in PDF format. Supplementary material, such as images, sound files, video clips and data files, may be submitted in other formats. Electronic theses may be submitted as single files or split into several files. If multiple files are submitted, please include a table of file contents to indicate the sequence.

  • Candidates should check

    (1) that the electronic copy submitted are the full and final version of their thesis, i.e. the same as the final copy approved by the examiners;

    (2) the disk(s) for corruption.

  • Copyright

    Candidates should certify that, if appropriate, they have obtained and attached a written permission statement from the owner(s) of any third-party copyrighted material in the thesis, for example visual images. Candidates must undertake to be bound by Rule G 71 of the University’s General Rules for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates:“If, at the date of the presentation, the thesis has not been published in a manner satisfactory to the Senate, the University shall have the right to make copies of the thesis from time to time, for deposit in other universities or research libraries, make additional copies of it, in whole or in part from time to time and distribute the content in whatever format it deems fit, for the purposes of research. The University may, for any reason, either at the request of the candidate or on its own initiative, waive its rights.

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Last Modified: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 09:20:06 SAST