1986 to 1989
Deborah Adamson (1986)
Deborah left Rhodes in 1992, travelled in 1993, worked in Pretoria 1994/1995, moved back to Kariba, Zimbabwe in 1995 and stayed until the end of 2005, from then till 2009 she “wandered around”, now trying to put down a few tentative roots but travel is still in her soul!!
Submitted November 2009
Gary Baines (1986) and Peter Vale (1972)
BEYOND THE BORDER WAR: New Perspectives on Southern Africa's Late-Cold War Conflicts
Baines, Gary & Vale, Peter (Eds.)
For some fifteen years, little attention has been paid to South Africa's late Cold War conflicts and the memories of soldiers who fought in them. Likewise, combatants with the liberation movements have all but been forgotten or otherwise marginalised in the new political dispensation. But the recent controversy over the exclusion of the names of SADF soldiers from the Freedom Park memorial wall and the popularity of publications and the existence of Internet sites that host personal accounts of the war suggest that there is significant public interest in these matters. The discovery of mass graves and questions about the treatment of detainees in SWAPO camps has kept the war in the public eye in Namibia. This volume offers new perspec-tives on the Border War through the paradigms of diplomatic and military history, cultural and literary studies, as well as victimology. Index, bib, 342pp, SOUTH AFRICA. UNISA PRESS.
2008 9781868884568 Paperback
Gary Baines (1986)
Gary joined Rhodes History Department in 1990. He previously lived in Port Elizabeth where he taught at secondary and tertiary levels. He published extensively on the history of PE, including numerous articles and a monograph titled A History of New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, 1903 – 1953: The Detroit of the Union (Edwin Mellen Press, 2002). Gary also published widely on South African culture, especially film, literature, photography and music. In keeping with his fox-like habits, he has also ventured into the fields of public history and memory studies. This has spawned a number of book chapters and journal articles. His current research project on South Africa’s “Border War” has yielded an edited volume co-authored with Peter Vale entitled Beyond the Border War: New Perspectives on Southern Africa’s Late Cold War Conflicts (Unisa Press, 2008). This has been followed by a number of (review) articles on the narration and memorialisation of the “Border War”. He teaches courses on representations of war, contested pasts, Cold War Studies and the apocalyptic imagination. The content of these courses more of less reflects his current research interests.
Submitted November 2009
Sarah Byrt Barber (1986)
As of December 2009 Sarah and Christian will be leaving Carnarvon after 5 years there. They love the town but feel it is time to move on to greener pastures - literally! Their newly built house awaits them in Bunbery - about 180km south of Perth. Sarah has a job at Kingston Primary School as a Year 5 teacher - back into the classroom after being a literacy specialist teacher and deputy principal. Christian will be starting his own business. Gabrielle is 7 now and will be starting Year 3 in a new school.
Submitted: November 2009
Rosanne Buchanan (1986)
Caxton Magazine has appointed Rosanne as the Editor of Food and Home Entertaining Magazine. She has worked on many other titles such as Hotel & Restaurant, Style and the Property Magazine and more recently, she was the founding editor of a new custom magazine, Live out Loud.
Source: Bizcommunity
Peter Dickens (1986)
Graduated from Rhodes in 1989 and is currently living in the UK.
Submitted: September 2010
David Duncan (1986)
Studied at rhodes in 1986, joined the army, went farming near grahamstown, started a food processing and exporting business in grahamstown, branched out by establishing plants in kwazulu natal and in harare. Married Bryony Rippon and have 2 children.
Submitted: November 2012
Vanessa Farr (1986)
Dr Vanessa Farr is a Senior Social Development and Gender Advisor with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and she has co-edited the book, Sexed Pistols: The Gendered Impacts of Small Arms and Light Weapons, ISBN: 978-92-808-1175-9 released in December 2009. Every day, small arms and light weapons (SALW) kill and maim, wound and threaten millions of adults and children, whether combatants and civilians in war zones or gangs and communities. Small arms are misused within domestic settings, as well as in public spaces, and they affect everyone in the community without regard to sex or age. Editors of the book (Vanessa Farr,Henri Myrttinen and Albrecht Schnabel) draw on experience and research from around the world on the nexus of gender, age, violence and small arms in developing and developed countries. Their findings feed into a number of recommendations for future policy formulation, programme implementation and research designed to further illuminate and counteract the firing of the “sexed pistol”.
Mcebisi Jonas (1986)
THE race for Eastern Cape's most powerful political position, that of the premier, is on. Two left-leaning candidates, current Finance, Economic Development and Environmental Affairs MEC Phumulo Masualle and former Eastern Cape Development Corporation head Mcebisi Jonas, are being touted as heir to the provincial throne.
Source: The Herald 16 Jan 2009 Page 4
David Knight (1986)
David left Rhodes in 1990 and works at Metropolitan in Cape Town as a Legal Advisor. For a second career he is a Group Scouter at 1st Claremont Scout Group.
Submitted: 26 May 2015
Nicola Kriel (1986)
Nicola did a B.Journ at Rhodes (86-88) and stayed in Dingemans Res. She worked for Lever Brothers doing Marketing for a short while in Durban, before donning a backpack and going to the UK. It was supposed to be my first stop on my world-wide travels, but she has been there now for 19 years. She has three children 10,12 and 17 and does Life Coaching and runs Personal Development Courses for a living. Have a look at her website www.nickykriel.com or find her on facebook if you want to get back in touch with her.
Submitted November 2009
Pauline Mary Lewis (1986)
She is now living in America. She plays in the Space Coast Orchestra and in the Community Band of Brevard. She also visits South Africa when she can, but finds it so very different and at times unrecognizable. Her daughter, Barbara (nee Brusser) who is an Old Rhodian, now lives in Switzerland.
Two of her son’s Peter and Robert Lewis reside in America, and Richard Brusser, is an Advocate in Cape Town.
Submitted: June 2014
Tshepo Dawn Mahloele (1986)
Tshepo Mahloele
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Harith Fund Managers, which manages the Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund (“PAIDF”). The Fund focuses on Telecommunications, Transport, Energy and Water and Sanitation. Tshepo holds a B Proc Degree from Rhodes and has completed various programmes and certificates in finance and venture capital. He is a Board Member of Capitec Bank Limited and Chairman of Aldwych International Limited.
Submitted: August 2009
Nicky Newman (1986)
Established and successful in the film industry, having produced, directed, shot and edited a variety of documentaries, short films, music videos and educational programmes Nicky has an interest in people, their stories and the possibilities. She is currently working on her first fictional film, Lucky Lady, which is part of the 10 Commandments series launched at the Rotterdam Film festival last year. Nicky has recently done a stint at the prestigious Maurits Binger Film Institute in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and she has received a grant from Africalia to finish her documentary on theatre director Brett Bailey.
Source: Destiny 01 March 2009, page 93
Phakamile Ngaki (1986)
Phakamile left Rhodes in 1989 and went to California, USA for post graduate studies. He worked in New York and returned to SA post 1994. He worked as an Investment Banker and Corporate Advisor. Later, as an entrepreneur and industrialist, he has founded several businesses in SA. Phakamile is a keen international traveler, marathon runner and sports enthusiast.
Submitted: April 2014
Pierre Steyn (1986)
I remember my years at Rhodes with great fondness. I left in 1988 with a B.Journ, and I've worked as a journalist ever since, including a 3-year stint as a foreign correspondent in Washington D.C. I'm currently the editor of the travel magazines go! and Weg! I live in Stellenbosch with my wife, daughter and son.
Shane Askew (1987)
Shane enrolled in 1987 and completed a BA (English, Linguistics) in 1989. He completed an HDE in 1990 and went on to teach in Wadeville for better part of 2 years. He Moved to Hillcrest, Natal for 2 and a half years working as an irrigation technician. Moved to London UK in 1998, worked as a teacher, landscaper (got fed-up with the education system). Thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail (Georgia to Maine) in 2012 (got as far as Lincoln NH before had to fly home). He is currently teaching again.
Submitted: July 2015
Peter Blenkinsop (1987)
Lives in Broederstroom and is married with three kids.
Submitted: July 2010
Andrew Hunter (1987)
Studied at Rhodes (Grahamstown 1988 - 1992) and received his B.Com (Hons) in Management. Spent all those years in Jan Smuts Residence. Moved to Butterworth and taught for 2 years before moving to East London where he taught at Hudson Park for 9 years. Has since moved to Cape Town where Andrew is currently teaching (8 years now) and he is still playing competitive league tennis.
Submitted: August 2011
David Frederick Kelly (1987)
David was at Rhodes for three years (1987-89). He left South Africa to live in England in 1995.
Submitted: 19 November 2015
Vuyisa Nkonyeni (1987)
The Board of Directors of ACTOWERS is pleased to announce the appointment of Vuyisa Nkonyeni as Non-Executive Director. Vuyisa is a former associate at Deutsche Bank Corporate Finance where he gained investment banking experience. He is a director of Tiso Group, and was a former financial director of Worldwide African Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd, and more recently a director of Actis LLP.
Conan (1986) and Leanne Olivier (Macdonald)(1985)
Conan and Leanne and their twins Grant and Angus, have moved to White River, Mpumalanga. Conan has been appointed Director of Sport at Penryn College, an independent co-ed school whose outreach programme, Penreach, is the largest schools – based outreach programme in Africa. Leanne works as a bookkeeper from home, while the boys love being so close to Kruger Park.
Elizabeth (van Niekerk) Seidler Lowry (1987)
Elizabeth has written an art mystery novel entitled The Bellini Madonna. Elizabeth lives in the United Kingdom in Oxfordshire with her husband Ralph Seidler who is an Engineer, and their two children. This is a first novel and is a treat for lovers of elegant mystery and exquisite prose.
"Thomas Lynch was once a brilliant young art historian. Now he is a disgraced, middle-aged art historian, overly fond of the bottle and of his fresh young students. But everything will change now that he's on the trail of a lost masterpiece, a legendary Madonna by the Italian master Giovanni Bellini."
Kevin McCallum (1987)
Kevin is a sports writer for the Star.
Ian Rogers (1987)
Living in Perth, Western Australia and working as a senior solicitor for a small boutique town planning law and corporate (M&A) firm.
Iain Scott (1987)
Iain, who earned a BJourn at Rhodes, graduated in March 2012 with a diploma in photographic imaging from UCOL in Palmerston North, New Zealand. At the graduation ceremony he was also presented with the CR Kennedy Top Graduate Award. He is currently building his photography business in Palmerston North.
Submitted: March 2012
Jaco (Jacobus) Sieberhagen (1987)
Jaco is living in Worcester and working as a Ministering sculptor.
Joan (Mostert) Villet (1987)
Since leaving Rhodes in 1990, Joan has worked as an educator for seven years (doing a multitude of community related activities on the side), spent one year as a co-ordinator of an educational NGO in Namaqualand and moved to Kimberley in 1998. The past twelve years spent in Public Service have been very hectic and informative, coupled with getting married, three beautiful boys and a busy career, but all worthwhile! Looking forward to new challenges and exciting prospects in Cape Town next year.
Submitted: September 2010
Professor Brian Robert Allanson (1988)
Professor emeritus of zoology is still active in his field – woking for the Knysna Basin Project surveying the water quality and the effect that the Thesen Island Marina has on the marine life in the Knysna Lagoon. Brian is living in Knysna and is considered to be the foremost expert on the lagoon.
James Beard (1988)
I am married, with 3 children, and living in Oxford, UK. I work in software development in the area of academic publishing.
Submitted: 2018
Candice (Botha) Bent (1988)
Candice is married to an ex-Zimababwean and lives in Sydney, Australia with their little son. She is the IT Training Team Leader at a large international law firm. She did her Masters in Adult Education at a University in Australia. She is keen to catch up with any ex-Rhodians who live in Sydney.
Submitted: March 2009
John Burger (1988)
Graduated in 1991 and worked in Cape Town for four years - currently living and working in the San Francisco Bay area.
Submitted: January 2010
Sithembiso Geoff Foster (1988)
Former School Principal of Nompucuko Combined School in Kenton On Sea is now forging ahead along an alternative career path of tourism by focusing on traditional Xhoso culture. The companies name, Ezethu (Xhosa for “it is ours”) is based in New Brighton and Sithembiso divides his tours into music, craft and sport themes. The music theme involves teaching guests how to make a marimba and then how to play it. The craft theme takes them to an old clinic which has been changed into a community project centre, where the guests learn how to do beadwork. The sport theme involves a game against a township team or, if the guests are not feeling energetic, lessons on how to blow the vuvuzela. There is also a night time option where guests enjoy preparing dinner in a typical township household and eating dinner with the family.
Source: Herald (Morning Final) 13 May 2009 Page: 3
Jennifer Heaton (1988)
Left Rhodes in 1991, and has lived in Bahrain for 17 years. Jennifer is the Director of Manama Training Center. She has one Daughter named Yasmin and is a keen tennis player still.
Submitted: May 2011
Kathy (Holden)(1988) and Graham Hayman (1966)
Graham and Kathy moved to Denman Island, British Columbia, Canada in 2010.
Submitted: April 2011
(Thomas) Lander (1988)
Angie Lander BA (Rhodes) BSc Med Hons in Exercise Science (UCT) is the owner of Peak Biokinetics at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa. She has extensive experience in prescribing rehabilitative programmes for a variety of clients, including elite athletes and pregnant mothers.
Source: FIT PREGNANCY 01 Dec 2008 Page 4
Manelisa Mavuso (1988)
Manelisa living in Johannesburg and working as the Divisional Director of retail marketing at Nedbank.
Christopher Nichols (1988)
The Complete Astral Traveller, published on 22 July 2004, with ISBN 1904762034, casts a penetrating light on the state of the human condition, posing deep questions about contemporary values and offering a stark vision of the nature of our reality. To what dark gods has society sold its collective soul? Indeed, is there a God? What life, whether better or worse, awaits beyond the threshold of Life itself? Not least, it is the work of a brilliant imagination and a rare picture of a strange and unconventional mind. Christopher Nichols has produced something truly original, presented with dry wit, compelling dialogue and a readable, accessible style. The Complete Astral Traveller questions commonly held beliefs about Life and religion with a tongue-in-cheek cynicism that holds nothing sacred.
Khanyile Nzukuma (1988)
left Rhodes in 1991. Has been in the Life Insurance industry for 15 years and living in Gauteng for the past 11 years. Khanyile is married with three children, ages 15, 9 and 5.
Submitted: May 2011
Ettienne Schwagele (1988)
Ettienne left Rhodes in 1988 and moved to Johannesburg, studied at WITS and worked for Softline Holdings as a Software Development Manager when he left SA in 2002 to join a software company in the USA.
Submitted: July 2009
Fiona (Fourie) Snyckers (1988)
Trinity Rising
Fiona has written the first of her Trinity series about Trinity Luhabe who is all set to take Rhodes University by storm. Trinity is the daughter of a billionaire mining magnate who was one of the last activists to be imprisoned on Robben Island. She has matriculated from an exclusive private school and she’s got the looks, got the brains and she is a girl with a plan. Delightfully ditzy, Trinity parties her way through life until she discovers life bites back along with her arch-enemy Sophie Agincourt, also at Rhodes, and who definitely has something evil up her sleeve. Trinity Rising is definitely going to be of interest to all Alumni. Fiona lives in Johannesburg and is currently writing a sequel.
Source: http://www.jonathanball.co.za/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1841&theme=Printer
Christian Andrews (1989)
Completed his studies at Rhodes in 1992 and taught at Bishop School for 2 years. After this he managed Flame Marketing (a division of the Mathomo Group) for 5 years. Christian then started his own importation and distribution company called Sportsmode which imports and distributes various specialised brands of sports equipment. In 2006, he and his wife (Caryn) started their own college (Andrews Academy) which is a Cambridge International Centre. They also offer the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme. They are blessed with a wonderful 3 year old daughter, Emily.
Submitted: September 2010
Gavin Baker (1989)
Is living in the UK where he is Head of Performing Arts at the University of Cumbria.
Submitted: February 2010
Marrianne Balarin (1989)
Completed my Masters degree in 1999. I left Rhodes and continued my studies at UCT and enrolled for a PhD in Marine Biology in 2000. After completion in 2010(!), took a gap year, retired and returned to my home in Boesmansriviermond. Keep busy training my GSD dog, going for long walks along the beach, gardening, and enjoying being a greatgrandmother to my 2 greatgranddaughters.
Leanne Billett (1989)
Left Rhodes in 1995. While working, completed her MBA through Potchefstroom University. Currently Group Legal Counsel for Ausa Limited, a media and entertainment company - brands include Sunday Times, Nu Metro, Exclusive Books, I-Net Bridge etc. Leanne is married to a wonderful man Martin Conradie and they have twins aged 7, a girl and a boy.
Submitted: January 2010
John Campbell (1989)
Winner of the 2008 Personal Finance/Financial Planning Institute Financial Planner of the Year Award, he specialises in retirement planning. John set up his own business as a financial planner, and five years later merged his business to form Chartered Wealth Solutions. He employs 30 staff and is also a director and shareholder in Chartered Employee Benefits and Kapara Insurance Brokers, which deals with short-term insurance.
Irfan Ebrahim (1989)
Irfan left Rhodes in 2005 and is now based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Submitted: August 2011
Philip Fairweather (1989)
After completing his B.Com in 1991, Philip worked at Deloitte in Zimbabwe, married Nadine and then moved to London in 1996. During their 7 years in London they spent time with many Old Rhodians. While in London he worked in Investment Banking. Their 2 daughters were born in London and in 2003 they moved to Australia where they settled in the Gold Coast. He is now working in the Oil & Gas industry, spending quite a bit of time in PNG.
Submitted: August 2015
Vanessa Green (1989)
I left Rhodes in 1992. I have worked for Nestle, Parmalat, Pepsico and Revlon locally and internationally. I am still not married and live in Johannesburg.
Submitted: 2016
Nicola Hayes (1989)
Nicci Hayes
A teacher at Victoria Girls’ High School, she has taken third place in the prestigious Pan-African Innovative teachers Forum competition.
Source: The Herald, Friday September 11, pg 5
Tracy (Houreld) Heydenrych (1989)
Left Rhodes 1990, got married,lived in Victoria Falls for 7 years. Currently living in Johannesburg as an Assistant Accountant. I have two children aged 18 and 13.
Submitted: May 2011
David Holgate (1989)
After completing doctoral studies at Rhodes, David and his family moved to the UK in 1993 to work in the Church of England. They moved to Salisbury in 1997 and are still based there. David and his wife have two adult daughters. He was appointed Principal of the Southern Theological Education and Training Scheme (STETS) in 2011.
Revd Dr Holgate is the only South African principal of a UK theological college. "My masters and doctoral studies at Rhodes, supervised by Prof Pieter de Villiers, gave me an excellent education. My college, STETS, is one of the largest in the UK and trains Anglicans, Methodists and leaders from other churches for ministry in southern England."
Submitted: June 2011
Muzi Kuzwayo (1989)
Muzi graduated from Rhodes University with a BSc degree in biochemistry and microbiology. After serious soul-searching, he realised that there was no joy to be found in sitting all day and watching germs that cause diarrhoea. He then got into advertising and research working on brands such as Volkswagen, Old Mutual, South African Breweries, Sanlam, Metropolitan Life, Pick n Pay Financial Services, and various Guinness UDV brands.In 2001 he was appointed managing director of TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg.
Having started his writing career in early life by writing his illiterate grandmother's letters as well as those of other illiterate people in his neighbourhood, Muzi went on to write the best-selling books Marketing through Mud and Dust and There is a Tstosi in the Boardroom.
Marketing through Mud and Dust provides an invaluable glimpse into the much-talked-about black market in South Africa by one of South Africa's most out-spoken and resourceful media men. He provides insightful commentary on how to go about reaching the black buyer. Kuzwayo elaborates on how to go about reaching the black buyer through effective marketing and sensitive advertising. It points out some of the pitfalls into which so-called white agencies fall.
website: http://www.designindaba.com/speaker/muzi-kuzwayo
Thamsanqa Mchunu (1989)
Thami graduated in 1993, having finished his B.Journ. He has worked as a communicator, starting at SABC, then to etv on its launch and then worked for different government departments. He is currently in Pretoria, a director of Communications at Public Works.
Submitted: September 2009
Cumeshan J Moodliar (1989)
A Director for Goldberg & De Villiers inc. his area of expertise is insurance law, commercial contacts, litigation, tax law, administrative law and local government law.
Nazmeera Moola (1989)
Nazmeera is head of Macro-strategy at Macquarie Bank.
Claire (Murphy) Richardson (1989)
Left Rhodes in 1992. Lives in the UK with her husband and two children and runs a highly successful sports business, teaching very young children the pleasure of sport. Claire misses the sunshine of Africa!
Submitted: February 2011
Last Modified: Tue, 22 May 2018 08:57:43 SAST