Donal Skinner (1985)

A committee of University of Wyoming Student Alumni Association (WyoSAA) members has selected Donal Skinner, Department of Zoology and Physiology associate professor, as this year's Outstanding Faculty Award recipient. The award recognizes faculty members who are "dedicated to student success and make significant impacts in students' lives." Donal says his main area of study focuses on the regulation of reproduction by the brain. Donal did his undergraduate studies at Rhodes University in South Africa, and received his doctorate in 1994 from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He joined the Wycoming University zoology and physiology department in 2001 as an assistant professor.

Zoology and Physiology Professor Donal Skinner assists Kelly Baxter of Cheyenne with a research assignment. Baxter nominated Skinner for the Wyoming Student Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award.

Source:  University of Wycoming