Several University offices are likely to receive calls enquiring about the status of an emergency on campus. These are listed in the table below.

These offices should be made aware of the Emergency Management Plan and familiarised with any updates. They should also be informed in the event of any emergency, and proactively be sent copies of any communications or statements from the Director of Communications and Marketing.

The CPU Emergency line 046-603.8999 can handle approximately 120 simultaneous calls, and is thus in a position to provide recorded updates. The Information Technology Division can facilitate the setting up of such voicemail message boxes, in cooperation with Communications and Marketing – which provides a copy of the statement. In general, if telephones are no longer being manned, University office voicemail messages should refer the caller on to a primary communication method. It should state the following:

“It is recommended that you switch on a radio and tune into local radio stations RMR (89.7FM) and/or Radio Grahamstown or, if no signal, SAFM (96.7FM) as it is possible that announcements may be made about the emergency”.

Last Modified: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 10:10:09 SAST