Water Update 11 March

There are still parts of campus and town which are experiencing erratic water supply, as well as some areas which have yet to receive water.

The reason for the length of time it is taking to fully restore water supply throughout the Waainek supply area is due to the entire system (three Waainek reservoirs, the lay dams and household storage) emptying completely due to the pump breakdown last week. The levels throughout the Waainek supply system (lay dams; high, intermediate & low reservoirs and household storage) have to be restored. This process, according to the engineers, takes several days depending on demand from the town. The more water is demanded from the system, the longer it will take to fill the system and reach a stable state.

This is where good neighbourliness and citizenship enter the picture – if those in low-lying areas can resist the temptation to resume full water demand, the system will fill more rapidly, thereby reducing the number of days needed to stabilize water supply to everyone. On campus, whilst the strict restrictions have been lifted, we are appealing to staff and students to reduce water usage. We are also appealing to staff members living in town to reduce water usage at home, and to pass this appeal onto friends and neighbours. We will also be requesting the Municipality to communicate this appeal to residents.