Christopher McQuaid

SARCHI Research Chair in Marine Biology

Professor of Zoology

Head of the Coastal Research Group 

PhD University of Cape Town (1980)

Phone: + 27 (0) 46 603 8535

Research Interests

  • Intertidal Biology
  • Southern Oceans research


MSc - Cassandra Barker (BSc Hons, Rhodes University)

PhD - Aldwin Ndlhovo (MSc, Rhodes University)

PhD - Alexia Dievart (MSc, Université de La Réunion)

PhD - Celiwe Yekani (MSc, Walter Sisulu University)

PhD - Moline Gusha (MSc, Rhodes University)

PhD - Olwethu Duna (MSc, Rhodes University)

PhD - Sebbi Kankondi (MSc, Rhodes University)

Postdoctoral Fellows 

Abby Gilson (PhD, Queen's University Belfast)

Adam Wyness (PhD, University of St Andrews)

Jenny Booth (PhD, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

Jonathan Monsinjon (PhD, Université Paris-Sud)

Kevin Ma (PhD, Université Laval)

Mauricio Orostica (PhD, Bangor University)

Recent Publications

Hudson J, Johannesson K, McQuaid CD, Rius M. 2020. Secondary contacts and genetic admixture shape colonisation by an amphiatlantic epibenthic invertebrate. Evol Applic 00:1–13. doi: 10.1111/eva.12893


Ntuli NN, Nicastro KR, Zardi GI, Assis J, McQuaid CD, Teske PR. 2020. Rejection of the genetic implications of the “Abundant Centre Hypothesis” in marine mussels. Sci Rep 10:604


Lourenço CR, Nicastro KR, McQuaid CD, Krug LA, Zardi GI. 2020. Strong upwelling conditions drive differences in species abundance and community composition along the Atlantic coasts of Morocco and Western Sahara. Mar Biodiv 50: 15


Humphries AT, McClanahan TR, McQuaid CD. 2020. Algal turf consumption by sea urchins and fishes is mediated by fisheries management on coral reefs in Kenya. Coral Reefs


Gusha MNC, Dalu T, Wassermann RJ, CD. 2019. Zooplankton grazing pressure is insufficient for primary producer control under elevated warming and nutrient levels. Sci Total Environ 651: 410-418.


Monteiro C, Zardi GI, McQuaid CD, Serrão EA, Pearson GA, Nicastro KR. Canopy microclimate modification in central and marginal populations of a marine macroalga. 2019. Mar Biodiv 49: 415-424.


Monaco CJ, Porporato EMD, Lathlean JA, Tagliorolo M, Sara, G, McQuaid CD 2019. Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: Dynamic Energy Budget model skill drops across large spatial scales. Mar Biol 166: 14


Basto MN, Nicastro KR, Tavares A, McQuaid CD, Casero M, Zardi GI. 2019. High synthetic polymer diet: plastic ingestion in aquatic-associated birds in Portugal. Mar Poll Bull 138: 19-24


Weidberg N, Goschen W, Jackson J, Pattrick P, McQuaid CD, Porri F. 2019. Fine scale depth regulation of invertebrate larvae around coastal fronts. Limnol Oceanogr 64: 785-802


Ndhlovu A, McQuaid CD, Nicastro K, Marquet N, Gektidis M, Monaco CJ, Zardi G. 2019. Biogeographical patterns of endolithic infestation in an invasive and an indigenous intertidal marine ecosystem engineer. Diversity 11, 75; doi:10.3390/d11050075


Lathlean JA, Trassierra JA, Everett JD, McQuaid CD. 2019. Testing the intermittent upwelling hypothesis: intercontinental comparisons of barnacle recruitment between South Africa and Australia. Est Coast Shelf Sci 224: 197-208


Puccinelli E, McQuaid CD, Dobretsov S, Christofoletti RA. 2019. Coastal upwelling affects filter-feeder stable isotope composition across three continents. Mar Environ Res 147: 13-23


Monaco CJ, McQuaid CD 2019. Climate warming reduces the reproductive advantage of a globally invasive intertidal mussel. Biol Inv 21: 2503-2516


Cannicci S, Mostert B, Fratini S, McQuaid CD, Porri F 2019. Settlement of sesarmid crab larvae across the east coast of Africa: evidence for recruitment limitation and competent settlement within the mangrove forests. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 626:123-133


Connan, Dilley BJ, Whitehead TO, Davies D, McQuaid CD, Ryan PG. 2019. Multidimensional stable isotope analysis illuminates resource partitioning in a sub-Antarctic island bird community. Ecography 42:1948-1959


Steinfurth A, Booth JM, White J, Bond AL, McQuaid CD 2019. Sexual and geographic dimorphism in northern rockhopper penguins breeding in the South Atlantic Ocean. Endang Species Res 39: 293–302


Velez N, Zardi GI, Savio RL, McQuaid CD, Valbusa U, Sabour B, Nicastro KR. 2019. A baseline assessment of beach macrolitter and microplastics along northeastern Atlantic shores. Mar Poll Bull 149: 110649.


McQuaid CD, Blamey LK. 2019. Where three oceans meet: state of the art and developments in southern African coastal marine biology. In: Interactions in the marine benthos. Eds. SJ Hawkins, K Bohn, LB Firth, GA Williams. Cambridge University Press. pp. 333-359.

Katy R. Nicastro, Christopher D. McQuaid, Gerardo I. Zardi. Between a rock and a hard place: combined effect of trampling and phototrophic shell-degrading endoliths in marine intertidal mussels. 2019. Marine Biodiversity

Molline N.C. Gusha, Tatenda Dalu, Ryan J. Wasserman, Christopher D. McQuaid. Zooplankton grazing pressure is insufficient for primary producer control under elevated warming and nutrient levels. 2019. Science of the Total Environment 651 (2019) 410–418. 

Cristián J. Monaco, Erika M. D. Porporato, Justin A. Lathlean, Morgana Tagliarolo, Gianluca Sarà, Christopher D. McQuaid. Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: dynamic energy budget model skill drops across large spatial scales. 2019. Marine Biology 166:14

Maëlle Connan, Bo Bonnevie & Christopher McQuaid. 2018. Ontogeny, tissue, and species but not sex influence stable isotopic values of three albatross species. Polar Biol 41: 1175-1186 DOI 10.1007/s00300-018-2276-7

Rosemary A. Dorrington, Amanda T. Lombard, Thomas G. Bornman, Janine B. Adams, Hayley C. Cawthra, Shaun H.P. Deyze, Wayne S. Goschen, Kenneth Liu, Jacques Mahler-Coetzee, Gwynneth F. Matcher, Christopher McQuaid, Shirley Parker-Nance, Angus Paterson, Renzo Perissinotto, Francesca Porri, Michael Roberts, Bernadette Snow, Patrick Vrancken. 2018. Working together for our oceans: A marine spatial plan for Algoa Bay, South Africa. SA J Sci Volume 114: 3/4

Katy R. Nicastro, Roberto Lo Savio, Christopher D. McQuaid, Pedro Madeira, Ugo Valbusa, Fábia Azevedo, Maria Casero, Carla Lourenço, Gerardo I. Zardi. 2018. Plastic ingestion in aquatic-associated bird species in southern Portugal. Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 413-418

Sebbi L. Kankondi, Christopher D. McQuaid, Morgana Tagliaro. 2018. Influence of respiratory mode on the thermal tolerance of intertidal limpets. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203555.

Jenny M. Booth, Antje Steinfurth, Marco Fusi, Richard J. Cuthbert, Christopher D. McQuaid. Foraging plasticity of breeding Northern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes moseleyi, in response to changing energy requirements. Polar Biology (2018) 41:1815–1826.

Eleonora Puccinelli, Christopher D. McQuaid, Isabelle J. Ansorge. 2018. Factors affecting trophic compositions of offshore benthic invertebrates at a sub-Antarctic archipelago. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63, 2018, 2206–2228. doi: 10.1002/lno.10934

Eleonora Puccinelli, Charles E. O. von der Meden, Christopher D. McQuaid, Isabelle J. Ansorge. Biological characteristics of the rafting bivalve Gaimardia trapesina in the Southern Ocean. Mar Biol (2018) 165:172.

Cristián J. Monaco & Christopher D. McQuaid. 2018. Applicability of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models across steep environmental gradients. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:16384 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34786-w

G. I. Zardi, C. D. McQuaid, R. Jacinto, C. R. Lourenc¸o, E. A. Serra˜o and K. R. Nicastro. 2018. Re-assessing the origins of the invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in southern Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research

Christopher D. McQuaid. 2018. Implications of long-term climate change for biogeography and ecological processes in the southern ocean. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 2018, 56, 1-72

Last Modified: Mon, 25 May 2020 18:45:20 SAST